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Tridev Choudhury

About me

Hi, this is my virtual home and I am really thrilled that you are here! If you love music, literature, science, philosophy or you simply love reading for the sake of it, you will feel right at home here. Please share your email to get notification about new posts.
I have spent the last two years in developing entrepreneurs. I am a banker by profession with over thirty years of experience. I am also a writer, TV host, science enthusiast, lover of literature, pupil of philosophy and I am mad about music as well. You can call me a near perfect example of 'Jack of all trades, but ...'
I am a father of two precious children (Raka, my daughter and Apratim, my son). It's only because of the continuous push from my daughter to open a blog of my own and backed by regular support from my son that this blog could come into existence. I am thankful to Mausumi, my wife, for gifting them to me and for shaping them as what they are now. Besides managing our little home, Mausumi sings, acts on stage and takes part in social work. The most amazing thing about her is that she cares about everyone living on this planet.
My wife, son, and I live in a small town called Silchar in Assam, India. My daughter and her husband are presently living in Europe both involved in scientific research.

About the blog

Why should you read my blog?
If you love music, literature, science, philosophy or you simply love reading for the sake of it, you will feel right at home here.
What will you get out of my posts?
Food for thought served with a strange cocktail of honesty, logic, emotion and humor.
Which types of posts do I write?
I don't limit myself to a fixed topic. I talk about a variety of things and share my thoughts and experience. People having diverse taste from every field would relate to this blog, I believe.
Why does my blog have credibility?
Experience is one thing that we never get to buy in any market. I talk from my heart and from my lifelong experience. But, again, I am still learning. I also love to share things as I discover them.
How did this site get started?
This blog is a part of me. I started this because I felt I can add something different, something meaningful to the conversation we all have in life. Here I talk to you, candidly. All credit goes to my children as I have said. And, may be the passion I had for writing popular science articles in my college days hasn't extinguished fully.
Final Words
If you have anything in mind please feel free to share. I would love to hear from you, so do leave me comments about what you thought about my simple and inane 'talks'. Please share your email or like my facebook page to get notification about new posts.


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